Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sept 26th

Due to popular demand, we have added some video of our abode. Since we have such a following, I guess we should add some photos of our town and surroundings as well.


Unknown said...

I very much like the layout of the house. I can see lots of possibilities for it - of course it's not yours to fix up. What is the little building off the porch in the back with the windows? You sure do have lots of yellow leaves to rake up. I can hear the boys now - why do I have to do it? How was the first day of school; is the teacher pretty; maybe smart?

Unknown said...

The teacher is very pretty and very smart...but she still needs to get a job.
The small house out back is the hot tub room...or fancy chicken coop.

Unknown said...

Well if they hire based on looks, she'll be in like Flynn (whatever that means). Keep us posted on the process.