Wednesday, September 23, 2009

September 23

We're getting settled in.
Gabe and I spent Monday and Tuesday shopping for the major necessities...washer/dryer, beds, kitchen table/chairs, t.v. (of course), cell phones, cable, internet...tons more.
Today we set up all the utilities and cleaned this renters are dirty. I don't think the people before us ever cleaned. I had to vacuum the fan blades before I could dust them. Luckily the carpets were professionally cleaned so we didn't have to worry about that.
I am pretty sure we have minimized the amount of stress Marcie will feel when she gets here in ...3 HOURS :) :) :)

I still have photos on the other camera to get developed, maybe in the next couple of days.

Tomorrow we are going to go down to Whittier and jus take some time off from cleaning and running and stressing...maybe actually enjoy the reason why we are here. I think we'll do the same on Friday, why not.

We will try to keep things on the exciting side so we have stuff to write about.

Oh..we have new phones and phone numbers.
I am sure we will also email/text/call everyone with these new numbers as well.
Take care