Saturday, October 31, 2009


Happy Halloween everyone.
We went to the Zoo Boo in Anchorage. We got spiffed up (well, not Marcie...she didn't have time) and went to the zoo to freak out the animals. There were a lot of kids there, mostly younguns under 10 years old, but it was fun. We saw our first wolverine, a pack of very large grey wolves eating rib cages, lots of owls, some eagles, yaks, musk ox, snow leopards, lynx, tiger, foxes of differing varieties, grizzly bear, sheep, caribou, giant bull moose, polar bear, seals, hawks and others. The strangest were the camels (huh?) and of course the rarely seen magpies and ravens...go figure. We got back to Eagle River around 7:00 and "trick-or-treated" until about 8:00 in 20-degree weather. The boys got a nice stash of booty. Here are some pics: