Saturday, September 19, 2009

September 18th

Short post...too tired, must sleep.
Left Fort St. John at 9:15 this morning, just after feeding Poseidon and Zeus.  Drove through Fort Nelson around 2 and from there north was extremely incredible driving sceneryscape. Again, photos through bug-riddled windshields somehow do not do the journey justice.  I have other pictures on a different camera as well as Gabe's that may prove more worthy...they have to wait though.

We are currently in Lake Watson, just barely in the Yukon territories.  Hoping to make it to Tok, AK tomorrow but that is 650 miles or 16 mpg and over $4/gallon...sheesh, good luck, right?

Gabe saw his first buffalo today...I find that hard to believe, didn't he ever drive down Southside River Road?  We also saw a few straggling caribou, some stone sheep, a coyote, an eagle, a white-tip tailed fox, a very unfortunate road-kill moose.

If anyone ever mentions that "loose-gravel patching" is a good idea, flick that person in the nose for me.  I will need a new windshield when this is over.

Stay out of my shampoo!!


The Time Traveling Courtesan said...

Looks like the gnome got a little tipsy.

Unknown said...

I can't believe you guys are doing this. 4 days on the road. Probably 3 more to go. It's just a good thing you have the gnome to guide you through all this. Miss yah, mom